Late November Update 2023

Hello Everyone.

I'm sorry for being quiet as of late. I continue to struggle to find a balance to work on the store with my 60+ hour work week.

I am currently performing some maintenance on my printer which is taking longer than I anticipated. Some needed parts are being shipped and I hope to have my printer running again in the next few days. Once the printer is running again, I will start restocking my store and working on getting orders completed.

Other news.

I'm placing a restock order for the Quansheng UV-K5(8) radios. I'm pleasantly surprised with how well they sold. 

Desk Cradles are selling well. Don't forget to grab yours if you haven't already!

 USPS has been turned back on as a shipping option for  domestic and Canadian shipping. Please be aware of potential delays using USPS as a carrier from the holiday rush and the hazmat shipping restrictions in the Denver Colorado hub.

Thank you everyone for your patients and incredible support.

73 de W0AEZ

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